Implementation Scenarios for Marine Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)
This document introduces scenarios for engaging stakeholders on their perceptions of regional aspects most important to be contrasted in FutureMARES activities.
Interactive web example showing one
case study implementation
Early web interactive example of a Bayesian network (Bay of Biscay) to visualise of implementation strategies of NBS for a safe Operating Space and enhanced Natural capital.
Report on spatial patterns and long-term trends in community traits
This report summarizes findings on spatial patterns and long-term trends in community traits across areas and organisms groups, including a literature review on response and effect traits.
Comparative measurements made during common garden experiments and on species across a wide range in latitudes or longitudes to assess changes in adaptive potential to CC.
This report will collect the methodology applied for the ecological vulnerability assessments and results from Storylines exploring CC and NBS scenarios.
White paper based on (preliminary) results of FutureMARES work for major international events / initiatives and/or related EU marine environmental policies.